Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Disappearing Act & Round 3

~~from round 1, I wish I was still this tiny! ;) ~~

I wrote my last post, oh so long ago, with so much excitement for building a routine I could have put two exclamation points at the end of each sentence. I was ready. Ready to wake up early, tackle the impossible and live more efficiently.

Little did I know . . .

I was about to find out I was pregnant! (yes, again!)

I know a lot of you are super-women who aren't phased one bit by the challenges brought on by the first trimester. I, however, am not one of you. I simply could not bring myself out of bed one minute earlier than absolutely necessary. The thrill of ambition left me as quickly as the morning sickness came a' callin.

God's abundant grace carried me through those first several weeks. My loving husband offered me understanding and a whole heap of slack instead of calling me a whimp.

Now I can revisit my ambition, I think. My lofty routine can be realized, maybe. Okay, so perhaps I am a little hesitant to fully commit to an absolute. But, I am feeling much better in body, the Spirit fills me and life is needing some intentionality.

Blogging on a regular basis may now become a reality rather than a thought for "tomorrow". I'm glad to be back!

1 comment:

  1. aren't you a super cutie mom?!


    ps. i am a friend of anna changs!

