I have always scoffed at plan-makers and goal-setters, only because I have been insecure of my lack of ability to make plans and set goals myself. Alas, those homemakers are the ones who I now aspire to, recognizing their wisdom and practicality. After all, how I run my home effects more than just myself.
I have also assigned chores to each day of the week. This way, I can say with confidence that I have in fact cleaned my bathroom this week, and I can rest assured that no one day is left with hours of catch-all cleaning. A little here, a little there, and done.
Here are my routines and chores. I am using this week to faithfully stick to the routines and see how they work. I am counting on needing to tweak them a bit after this machine has had it's first run.
Going to bed with a deep sigh of relaxation, and to wake up with a "ready" advantage.
After 7:00, when the kids are down for the night . . .
- pick up all toys and books
-clean and put away all dishes
-clear off counters, everything finds a home
-prep any foods for the following day's meals
(includes soaking grains, thawing meats, making kefir, etc.)
-wipe down counters, stove, and sink
-sweep entry way and kitchen
-fold and put away laundry (if for some reason this didn't get done)
-Relax! Enjoy a quiet, clean home.
-Go to sleep between 10 and 11:00
Goal: Get up! Have a formed plan for the morning
that accomplishes the "must do's" so my afternoons can be filled
with "want-to's"
-Out of bed at 6:00 a.m. (yes, this will be the greatest challenge for me!)
-Shower, dress, hair, & make-up
-2 minute wipe down bathroom
-quiet time with God, prayer with husband
-(kids wake up around 7:00)
-serve a hot breakfast
-clean up breakfast, wipe down counters
-dress kids
-daily chore + vacuum living area
-(kids nap)
-read, study, internet
-prep lunch
Daily Chores
Sunday: rest
Monday: clean bathrooms
Tuesday: dust
Wednesday: deep clean kitchen
Thursday: vacuum all rooms
Friday: organize all closets, pantry, and desk, mop floors as needed
Saturday: laundry catch-up
Everyday chores: maintain tidiness through a.m. and p.m. routines,
laundry as needed
(about every 3 days)
We'll see how I do this week!
Here are some blogs I gleaned wisdom from: